Website is a non-profit website made by fans for fans. We have no affiliation with Jennifer Aniston herself or anyone representing her in anyway. All content is copyrighted to the owners. If you feel any of the material rightfully belongs to you & want it removed, contact us & it’ll be taken off without question. If you have any complaints please contact us before taking action.

All Original Content are ©


Do you have a question about that is not answered here? If so, please send us a Tweet or DM us there. @JenniferAOnline

Are you Jennifer?

Has Jennifer ever been to this website?
Not that I know of.

Can I use your pictures for my site?
Not sure, it depends on what you want to use them for. I made all of the captures in the gallery myself or friends made them exclusively for use on this website. Most of the magazine scans I have scanned only for the use of this site. If you do want to use something send an email asking and I will get back to you asap.

Can I use the pictures for fanart, icons, or wallpapers?
Of course! You can send them in to our icon archive.

Can I email you stuff/or ask questions directly to you?
If you have something you need to ask or if you need reach me please send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as I can. But, please remember, I am very busy and I am not Jennifer.